Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just So You Know!!!!

Since many of these "news networks" pollute the airwaves with their ridiculous opinionated nonsense, I've decided to be a voice of reason. I've noticed that most of the people who say "Impeach Obama," within these radical right wing groups, have no idea how to spell or use grammar. I'm not saying that President Obama has all of the answers to this country's problems, but at least I can look at things from a realistic standpoint and I'm smart enough to know that he's not a socialist. You have to get a grip and stop watching Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin long enough to breathe some clean air. People have to realize that FOX News is not a credible news source. It's an opinion network with an agenda that creates more hype than results. Would you trust a guy to give their opinion of world affairs if he uses duct tape and colored chalk on a board to prove his point? Please! I think that if Glenn Beck went on to the game show, "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader," he would most definitely lose. I wouldn't take advice from something like that. Maybe if people took the time to really read about what is going on in America and in other countries, you would see things clearly. Read and really be informed! Stop watching television for goodness sakes. You know why other countries laugh at us? They're laughing at us, because we have idiots like Beck on television. CNN is just as bad! These are ridiculous channels who basically run on opinions rather than credibility. People are dumber for having watched these networks!

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