Friday, September 3, 2010

Back to Being a College Student

Today, on this rainy gloomy Friday afternoon, I am comparison shopping for schoolbooks on the Internet.  This year, if I choose to purchase all of my academic materials from the college bookstore, I will pay more than $600.  This year I have decided to be more proactive with my money and use the ISBN numbers to my advantage.  I figure, if I am paying so much for my education, I might scale down some of the financial burden.  It's the least I can do for myself.  I'm beginning to think that paper and bindings are becoming just as expensive as gold.  I believe that the information collected within them is worthwhile, and that is completely understandable.  Unfortunately, the burden on the average student must be astronomical.  Even the tuition for the average college student costs more than the price of a modest home, in some cases.  Aside from my complaints about books and tuition, I am very much ready to attend school again.  I need to be back to my lectures and learning again.  I missed it so much and I didn't realize how much until the middle of July came.  Maybe it was the events that happened it June and what I had to deal with following it, but I desperately need this change of venue.  I have been waiting for this chance for the bulk of my summer season it seems.

I've decided to change the theme and title of my blog, being that my Summer writings have come to a close.  I think, with the circumstances as they were, I wrote a substantial amount of material.  Donald says I should have been more forthcoming, but how much of me do people really want to know about.  I figure for the most part, I will share my essays and papers from the semester along with some personal journal updates chronicling my time during this Autumn.  I've decided to take four classes this semester.  I'm taking a Contemporary Health course, a College Biology course, a Shakespeare Plays course, and a College Algebra course.  They may seem a bit mundane, but some are required.  The Shakespeare was recommended by my college adviser.  I haven't really touched on Shakespeare since high school, so this should be a whole new experience.  I'm almost a bit nervous.  I was thinking about the future of my work, and I've continued to dream about journalism.  I was reading the graduate education courses offered by the New York Times today and I was almost salivating at the prospect of having those certificates.  I still consider that type of work a pipe dream, but I can't keep myself from wishing that this particular dream would come true.

I go back to school on the seventh of September.  I pick up my books that morning, which is an ordeal.  I can't, for the life of me, understand why they wouldn't schedule the selling date one day earlier.  I'm convinced that my college just enjoys being a royal pain in the ass.   At least they let you pre-order so that you do not have to wait online for hours anymore.  I remember having to do that.  I'd rather step on a sharp thumbtack.  I've been chided because I haven't taken to joining any "clubs."  For the life of me, I haven't really seen one that has really fit.  Maybe I need to give one of them a chance.  It would definitely look good on my college transcript.  There is the school paper, but I have to see whose advising it now.  Last I remember it was Karen Bosley, a former English professor of mine.  Anyway, that is something that I really wouldn't mind helping out with a bit.  Although, I am sure that they have their share of "staff."  The campus radio station is the only other thing that I am really interested in joining.  We'll see how the semester progresses.  They usually have their stands throughout the campus during the first days of the semester.  I just want to look over my syllabi's and see how much work I'm in for before I devote myself to any other cause aside from my classes.  I'm really ready to just hit the books and spend time in the stacks this semester.  I'm excited to see how my journey goes this year.  Wish me oodles of luck!

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