Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Computer Had a Near Death Experience

I have a funny story to tell you all. It's actually quite ridiculous, but I figured I'd flesh it all out for you anyway. I was sitting at my computer about two weeks ago watching a hysterical Dave Chappelle clip called Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories. This was the one describing Charlie's incidents with Rick James, which I might add were more bizarre than I expected. While I was laughing my ass off, the clip made it to a certain part where Rick James explains that, "Cocaine is a hell of a drug!" After he says these words, my computer then froze repeating Rick James's laughter over and over, then proceeded to die. This was, in my eyes, the death rattle. So I was lucky enough to have a backup of all of my information and files, then I was able to reinstall windows. I was, of course, freaking out and near the point of tears and had to leave because of other plans I had made. My husband was laughing, which was frustrating me even more. Don kept repeating to me, "Calm down, and we'll reinstall the operating system. You'll be fine."

So when I returned home, I started the whole process of repairing my computer without knowing whether or not I would still have all of my documents or images. When everything was set up, and things were back to normal, I took a sigh of relief. Don looked at me, smiled, laughed, and said, "Rick James nearly killed your computer! Hahahahahahaha!" Now this might seem like a dumb story, but it definitely made me wary of embedded video files. Sometimes I think there are viruses on the pages of some video sites, because they really do slow down your computer. I guess it didn't help that I was on a windows platform. Those who use Apple products are probably chortling at me right now. The moral of this story is: Make sure that you have a damn good virus scan program or your computer can die by the hand of a 70's music artist risen from the grave. HA!

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