Monday, January 3, 2011

Peace and Quiet: The Beauty of Having Alone Time (A Mobile Blog)

In every individual we have a place or a well, if you will, that needs quenching. When we take that reservoir for granted, as if it has no bottom, we wear out and lose the very joy and healthfulness needed in our lives. This happens, especially when you work, schedule, and plan without taking care of yourself. We have to remember that nurturing one's self is extremely important. Often times we focus on other people such as bosses, friends, parents, siblings, co-workers, etc., and we lose sight of our emotional, mental, and even spiritual well-being. Spiritual does not necessarily mean religious; it can just mean the inspiration or the fire that brings you through every day. When you lose that; you stop believing in yourself and that is the loss of spirituality. You need to find the wealth and importance of having your own quality time. This quality time or what I call "you time," must come with a place. You must schedule this time, just as you would any other appointment. You must find a particular time and place for this "you time." Finding a location for this "you time" can be more challenging than dealing with the notion that you need this quality time. The busy hectic world we live in crowds out an easy refuge, but you can make those minutes if you just make some effort. Take the time to read the book you've always wanted to work through, write in your journal, work on some guided meditation, listen to some calming music, take a long walk, or even take a soothing nap. Finding time for yourself can replenish you and wipe away the mental and physical fatigue of stress. Find that corner of your world that is the least testing and relax. You'll find that it's worth it.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

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