Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My First

What is the first career that you thought to pursue when you were little? We all think of the fantasy jobs of being a ballet dancer if you are a girl or a fireman if you are a boy. Those scale up when you become a teenager, and your goal is to become an actress or fashion model if you are a girl or a rockstar or motorcross racer if you are a guy. These pursuits are less than practical and, more often that not, our way of being creative. It's when we near the end of high school and start college that we begin to think about the possibilities of our future. In the last four years, I've attended college to continue my education in my thirties from where I left off in my irresponsible teenage years. I've noticed that there is a definite percentage of students who still feel indefinite about their futures, even now that they or their parents are paying for their education. This indefinite major is called liberal arts. This degree really doesn't constitute toward any program of sorts; it's almost as if you are wandering aimlessly through junior college the same as you did high school. Not all students take this path; some are more definite. Many take careers in law enforcement, education, or some other program of study.

Right now, I am getting a degree in English, which I may change. I've actually been looking into the criteria for becoming a librarian. I never really thought about that career in the past, but recently it has become more appealing to me. The funny thing is, I am not as young as most of the people I study with and I don't have the age luxury they do. Hopefully that will not play out to my detriment. With the economic climate as it is today, the present state of the world isn't very kind to thirty years and over seeking employment. The only other profession that I could see myself occupying is the position of writer. Sadly, this position is a crap shoot for the most part and I don't know if I am up for that gamble. Today, I decided to start this blog in order to push my reality onto the written word with joy of sharing my hacksaw prose. (I have to push in the obligatory LOL) I'm not a perfect person, I'm not perfect looking, and sometimes I'm pretty disgruntled, but I try to make the best of what I was given. Hopefully that will be good enough to share with all of you.

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