Thursday, May 20, 2010

Have I stepped the wrong way?

I'm always the worrisome sort when it comes to dealing with friends or family. It's a problem that I am trying to work through and, so far, I am not succeeding. I'm not sure why this problem arises other than I can't read a person's thoughts or motives. Understandably I'm not supposed to, but I really wish I had that upper hand. The reason for this is that I could really avoid hurting someone's feelings, falling into an embarrassing situation, or avoid being hurt myself. Other scary and often off putting situations come in the form of the silent treatment or cold treatment from friends when you aren't sure what put you in that situation in the first place.

Now I have thought of the reasons why this may happen to me and many people who really know me would definitely agree on them. I know that I let the things that I am thinking stroll out of my mouth without filtering them. That verbal diarrhea is something that I'm trying to overcome. I'm not the nicest person in the world and I can be judgmental, which is another thing I'm trying to work on. I have to make peace with my fellow human, and I think that has a great deal to do with trust issues, which would take a whole other blog to write about. I seem to find more peace with animal friendships, because they obviously don't judge me. Other than those problems, I feel that I'm a good work in progress. I can see how the aforementioned difficulties may hamper true friendships though.

The only thing that trips me up about removing certain parts of myself, is deleting parts of the honesty quotient. If there is anything that I wish I didn't have to devalue it's that part of me. The only problem is that honesty can only go so far before it gets you into real trouble. You have to blur the line between honesty and tact. You have to soften your words or at least that's what my therapist says. Yeah, I see a therapist. I think everyone should have an analyst, because everyone has a tad of the insane that needs to be debunked and reevaluated. Lately, the work in progress is coming along and my life is swimming quite stealthily. If I could read minds, my hierarchy of needs would be totally met. HA!

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