Monday, April 11, 2011

Traveling Through Life

Sometimes you go through the inner discussion in your life where you say, "Who am I?  Where did I come from?  Where am I going?"  You get to that point where you ask questions, such as those, about the value of your life and it's goals.  During our lives, most of us want to conceptualize the way our lives will work out.  We want to know the places that we'll go and we try to make these foolproof master-plans.  This comes from the basic need to be healthy, happy, successful, and prosperous.  It's a natural human instinct that we all aspire to no matter what situation we come from.  We have different versions of what those terms might be, but they all have a common thread.  When life takes a person to a place they don't necessarily plan on, we feel this gravity of a mistake or something has gone wrong.  This can often be disheartening and discouraging to a person, but can cause the rudimentary human trait to reason why this happens. 

Going through trials and tribulations creates a sense of reality.  The hardest parts in our lives train us to form gratitude and a sense of humility.  Sometimes the obstructions, our weariness, our experiences, and our situation in life can change the course, but you get the education of the adventure.  Life is fickle and subject to change no matter what outlines or planning we put into it.  Buddhists say that you have to rest with the fact that nothing is permanent, and that is a hard thing to swallow.  As humans, we love to cling onto everything, but you can't take everything with you.  Learning to let go is the hardest part and even if you dedicate most of your life learning that discipline, you still may never truly get it.  The true learning experience is that we can stopping worrying about what needs to happen and focus on being flexible as a person.  You can achieve your goals, even though there are some curves and obstacles you must travel along the way.  Learning to enjoy the trip is the best part of living. 

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