Monday, February 14, 2011

The Gift of Love

Throughout time love has been the poignant theme for composers, writers, artisans, actors, playwrights, and filmmakers. Love is primal, passionate, kind, giving, pure, and the most unpredicatable of all emotions. Love is the strongest of all emotions and carries with it a cryptic and enigmatic quality that makes it endure. Love is hard to define and, in fact, has so many facets that it's definition cannot be purely ascertained. Love creates many different actions, such as self-sacrifice, commitment, caring, and romance. Even though there is no pure definition, love is the one emotion that exhilarates, motivates, and causes us to change.

Like a great current, that is unidentifiable, love is most often recognized in it's wake. As we eclipse the frontiers of our own ego, we can let go our guard to be loved or love someone else. We can remember to love ourselves just enough to love someone else. Let down our barriers to experience peace, compassion, and true joy. We can remember the excitement and fulfillment that it brings and the satisfaction we feel in our heart. Whether this is a relationship with a lover, your bond as a parent with a child, the commitment of friendship, or sisterhood, the harvest of fulfillment is one of great comfort.

There is a great actuality when it comes to the emotion of love: It is fleeting. The reason for this is that life is fleeting. The most passionate of loves can die quickly or can endure for years. The one unflappable, unchanging notion of love is that it's not learned. Love is something that comes from humanity, and it's many different experiences and emotions that can augment or bury that emotion. Fear is the biggest factor that causes humanity to bury love, along with the lack of self-worth. By the time some people realize that there are healthy outlets for their emotions, it's too late. You have to remember that you are worth loving and you have to love yourself. That is the most important part of the game of life. That is the true Gift of Love.

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