Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to School; Back to School :)

My Summer seemed very abbreviated this year, but I really don't mind.  If there was anything that I've been craving, it's been Autumn semester.  There are still reservations as to how things will turn out, but I am matriculating after this semester.  I picked up applications for a different university.  I was going to attend Georgian Court University, but with everything changing so fast this Summer, I didn't have time to take my last course during the quick term.  I've decided to look into Kean University, not just for the convenience of travel, but the reduction of price per credit.  I can't say what quality the education will be in their teaching programs, but you never know.  This isn't the only school that I am going to look into, but it's the first one after ruling out GCU.

I have been as intrepid as possible when it comes to finishing this part of my degree, but certain points have been a bit tedious due to personal circumstances.  I can complain and say, 'It's not fair; why me?"  How is that really accomplishing anything?  It's just crying over spilled milk.  So I am taking my Statistics course and enjoying my time on campus again.  If I go to Kean University, I can work the radio station as well.  That's also a bonus.  Another avenue for me is getting my degree and then going to Brookdale College to take some communications courses and move forward toward radio and promotion studies.  Choices, choices for me, but I have some time to think about it.  I may also choose a college in another state.  My husband and me want to move out of New Jersey, because of the expense of living here.

My husband is currently working and completing his design certifications.  Truthfully, I have no idea how he accomplish both without collapsing.  The poor man looks so dog tired by the end of the day.  He is the sweetest, most hard working man I have ever met in my entire life.  We've been married for what will be sixteen years on September 23rd of this year, and this December 24th for 19 years total.  We've seen each other through some really tough times, and he's seen me through my lowest points.  I couldn't ask for a better man.  Everything we do, we do for each other.  So really my choice of vocation has to be right for both us.  So, I have a bit of soul searching to do this Fall.  I'm giving myself give less than five months to prepare for the next step. 

When I started to set up the plans to go to GCU, I was really earnest about going.  Things seemed sure and I thought that was going to be part of my future.  It's amazing how prepared you have to be for change.  I am not upset at all anymore but, at first, I admit disappointment.  When I found that I wanted to move and that certain opportunities arose that I was silly not to take, I had to ask myself, "Was I going to move to a nicer home or stay in a smaller one.  So I put off the expensive education and the one class that would push me to graduation, and I feel like I can breathe a bit.  I will file for graduation this November.  Things will land as they should and I'm not going to stress over it all.  I will write about my experiences as they progress.  It's definitely going to be an adventure.  Especially if I move out of state.  Ha!

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