Monday, December 13, 2010


When the plants begin to wither, the flowers cease to hold their bloom, the leaves fall from the trees, and the unyielding chill appears, Winter rears it's frigid head for all to see.  Though we think of this as the period of death, it's really just a period of rest.  Winter is the necessity of life as the earth goes through it's period of change, which really goes unnoticed for the most part aside from the obvious signs.  Just as a parent prepares to have a child, the earth gestates it's cycle of life.  Snow and ice mask the once lush and green landscape, leaving a bleak canvas.  It's part of humanity to want the warmth and comfort of Springtime.  The images of growth inspire hope and the bright colors nurture the happiest parts of our psyche.  The remembrance that the barren trees will once again sprout beautiful green leaves and the snow covered ground will eventually melt away to lush green grass, is the energy that sustains us.

During the darker months, we celebrate this process of change and enjoy the hearth of the fire, the comfort of a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and the coziness of a hand knit wool sweater.  Venturing out into the cold can be an invigorating exercise as well.  The joy of the glistening first snow as it crunches under your feet brings out our youngest childhood memories of snow days off from school.  These pleasures kindle our inner fire that we concentrate on ourselves, our friends, and our families.  We celebrate traditions, focus on charity, and share that flame to nurture the warmth and energy throughout the colder months.  We learn from the stages of the earth as the solstice comes, the earth hits its coldest, and slowly warms.  Laughing, eating, enjoying the company of others, sleeping, and even just enjoying the pleasure of a book happens as the process moves eventually toward the Spring.  For every Winter, there is a beautiful Springtime to behold.  The timeless wonder of life abounds throughout every year.

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