Friday, July 9, 2010

One Step Back (A Mobile Blog)

I had a really unexpected incident happen to me, but these incidents always are. I was in the back room of my house, waiting to say goodbye to Don as he left for work, and I had a grand mal seizure. It took me a couple hours to be able to stand or even talk. Usually I get very emotional afterward, but I'm kind of numb to it today. I guess the last couple weeks makes me think that it could be way worse. I just wish that I could get rid of the headache. I usually get a really bad one after a seizure. It subsides after a while, but it's very irritating. Because I can't be alone during the few hours after a grand mal, I'm hanging out with Donald at his job. I'm going to tell my doctor about this episode. I hope this new doc can find a treatment plan for me. Ah well LOL!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Bless your heart. Do you get aura's, can tell it's coming, or does it just blindside you?

  2. When Frank Sinatra yells-
    I run babe!
    But it's really such a drag
    When he hits me, on my blind side
    With his filled,
    colostomy bag

    (Alto help me oh!)

  3. Mark... I wish I did get auras. It really takes me by surprise. I've always tried to place how I felt beforehand to make myself safer but, so far, no dice. I'm feeling much better today. Thank you for being so sweet! You are a great friend!

  4. Marc... That Howard Stern bit is hysterical! LOL... I haven't heard that one in a very long time, but it's definitely one of my favorites.
