Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm Just a Blogger with a Dream of Greatness

I've been doing this blog for a while now.  I can't believe that I am already three months in just about!  This is a challenge to myself, in a sense.  I'm empowering myself to write something every day.  If I miss a day I write two entries the next.  Some days are long essays, some days are short mobile blogs.  Some of these are my memoirs, and some are just interesting current events or topics I feel like elaborating on.  Even though I am having a great time with it, I'm starting to wonder if my words are hitting the hopeless internet abyss.  I think it's almost like the Julie Powell effect, minus the extraneous profanity and the narcissism.  I really don't want to use that kind of example, because I'm not doing some kind of stunt where I'm going through a cookbook and terrorizing my husband with my lack of cooking skills.  Although, in her case, it was the reverse when it came to the cooking for the most part.  I wish that I was that novel.  In this case, I am a simple blogger with the hopefully romantic vision that someone will eventually read my words and say, "WOW!  She is actually a good writer."  Right now, after thinking that, I can't help but chortle.  If that happened, pigs would fly.  My Facebook friend used that apt saying for another reason, but it is definitely a multipurpose anecdote.  I'm finding, more and more, that impossible dreams come into my brain these days.  I'm beginning to think that it's a result of my Mom passing.  I'm feeling that life's too short tightness in my grey delco.  I wish I was this impassioned earlier in my life, but I guess I should take advantage of it now.  It's not even really impassioned, it's more like whimsical.  I guess there isn't really anything that I can see to restrain me from writing honestly.  I feel like a dam has broken loose with my feelings and thoughts in a forum for all to see.  I don't know if everyone sees it, but it's fun to think that there are many people doing so.   

Maybe it's because this blog doesn't have a direct vision or an overall subject.  I don't know if I could write about one thing constantly.  There would be that element of boredom that would creep in and the writing would run away from me.  I know with BlogHer, they want me to gear my blog toward women, but how can I really do that?  I can't write about the perfect tampon or the perfect man.  That whole business has been drawn out and quartered by so many other authors over the years.  Who would really want my acumen on the subject in the first place?  I'm not a doctor in any of those subjects!  It always seems like most of the female geared blogs have some sort of activity that women prefer or a subject that is a hot button female issue.  I don't think I am libelous or nor do I misrepresent women.  In fact, I think I celebrate them by being an independent blogger.  I just wish that I had a broader audience, but I wish I knew who my audience would be.  That is the multi-million dollar question!  If someone could elaborate on that, believe me, I would love the input!  I think more or less, I write something that affects me with the hope that someone else can connect with it in some way, shape, or form.  I don't have to the power to write fiction, but I have plenty of truth to share with everyone.  Hopefully one day there will be more people willing to enjoy it with me.  

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