So I decided to sign up for a transfer seminar. I'm graduating and I was agonizing over my GPA, so I went to the Advising Dept. at the college for options. I was really looking forward to being a student at GCU this Autumn, but then certain events my Father created put a wrench in those plans. Now I have to find a new school to attend and that has to coordinate with where I will be in the seven months. I'm starting to feel the stress but, at the same time, I feel happy that I am accomplishing something. My GPA is ample and I feel comfortable enough that I will find a decent school to fit my future. I spoke to the adviser and told her that I was concerned about whether or not teaching was for me. I was pleased to be reassured that I could find a four year college that would take me and I could hit the ground running with communications courses right through a school such as that. I'm still nervous, but I still feel that I should do something that makes me happy. Teaching, while that is something that I know I can do, won't make me feel whole. I know that may not make sense, but I can't put it any plainer. My heart says that radio or some form of communication work is the answer.
My husband is still working on his certifications and graphic design classes at Kean University. I can't help feeling that I would be denying his happiness if I pushed through to another school too soon. That's another obstacle that stands in my way right now. He can't be with me during the Transfer Fair on Thursday, because he has to be in class. Hopefully I will get some good information on some schools that can accommodate my major. The transfer seminar will be even more helpful in that department, because I can get a feel for the process. When I move again, I will have to find a school closer to my destination. That's one of the key factors that plays into this as well. My husband is very apprehensive about discussing this with me and I really don't know why. The only reason I can fathom is that he's worried his classwork won't transfer to another program.
Right now I am just working hard to get through Statistics. I have a great professor, which I had last semester, and so far everything is going smoothly. I had my first quarterly exam and passed it. Being that I only have the one course this semester, I can put all of my concentration on the mathematics. I don't feel so much pressure from a huge course load on top of it. I can work on some things at home and, also, work on moving forward with a clearer head. I've been reading a great deal in my leisure time, which has been wonderful. I've also been watching a ton of movies and tv series. I have found the beauty of Netflix and decided against subscribing to cable television when I moved at the end of the Summer. I have the internet for news and weather, plus my phone has that capability also. What is the point of having cable? I watch movies on my flat-screen and my computer with my large flat-screen monitor, so I don't see the point of spending all that money for Optimum. Besides, Cablevision sucks ass to begin with!
My husband and I are preparing for a visit from his Mother Linda and her fiance Andrew this week. I am so happy for both of them. I can't wait to see the both of them. They are bringing their dogs, Dolly and Earl. My cats are going to be in culture shock, although I think Stubby really won't care. It's the girls that will be out of sorts. My dog Ophelia, who is more than sixteen years old, is pretty much well-adjusted to everything. We are preparing the third bedroom for them and hopefully everything will be ready by the end of the week. We are still working on improvements around the house bit by bit, just to make things comfortable. We've got most of our things unpacked, but I want to get some of my books on the shelves. Things will happen as they should. Well I'm going back to reading Saving Fish from Drowning by Amy Tan. I will write more again soon. Have a great beginning to your Autumnal Season! Love you all :)